28 Juli 2014

Connectify Hotspot pro + Dispatch

Mungkin agak telat saya update, tapi nggak apa-apa lah...

Ini adalah versi ke-8 software connectify yang dimana pada versi ini membawa perbaikan fitur dan stabilitas dari versi terdahulu.
Apa saja perbaikan yang dibawa? Cekidot

  • Fix Android clients not being able to connect when Local Access is disabled.
  • Option to ‘Disable Adapter Power Management’ (Under Settings/Advanced) on the Hotspot adapter. This may help users who have client devices all get kicked off or have the hotspot disappear if sharing Ethernet. You may need to reboot your computer after starting a hotspot for the first time for this setting to take full effect in Windows
  • Give more time for adapters to come up when starting an Access Point to avoid some instances of ‘Hosted Network unavailable’ and similar failed starts.
  • Fix a peer scanning deadlock on background threads
  • Fix for some clients devices (mostly Android) avoiding a Hotspot or disconnecting from a Hotspot
  • New, updated Dispatch tutorial
  • Fix Dispatch tutorial ‘Do not show this again’ button
  • Detect multiple connections to the same network, which can lead to various connectivity issues
  • Sort adapter list in Application Settings by most recent connections
  • Fixes around secure connection grouping when an interface is set to NEVER or becomes Overlimit
  • Reset connections on other adapters when setting an Application to a specific adapter
  • Fix uninstaller not getting created on some systems during a fresh install
  • Automatically start service dependencies if they are disabled (WLAN AutoConfig, Windows Management Instrumentation) and warn during install if these services are not present
  • Enable Wi-Fi devices that are software-disabled when starting a Hotspot, instead of informing the user that they should enable their Wi-Fi devices.
  • Fix a Hotspot UI crash
  • Work around some email systems not liking our secured log files
  • Stability fixes
  • New, updated Activation screens
  • Protect against deadlocks causing Hotspot and Dispatch UIs to freeze up
  • Stabilize license check on some systems
  • Fix Installer hang on ‘Checking software conflicts’
  • Fix Hotspot/Dispatch hang on launch
  • Support for activation behind a proxy that requires authentication

Screenshot :

||| IDWS ||| MEGA ||| MF ||| FireDrive |||

*tested on windows 7 ultimate sp1 64bit

6 Juni 2014

Mahouka Kokou no Reittousei OP - Rising Hope

Ganti Haluan.. :v

Sekedar mengisi waktu luang sehabis ukk...
Langsung aja 

Judul : Mahouka Kokou no Reittousei OP - Rising Hope
Artis : LiSA
Format : FLAC / MP3
Tracklist : 
  1. 01. Rising Hope
  2. 02. Poker Face
  3. 03. Rising Hope (Instrumental ver.)
  4. 04. Poker Face (Instrumental ver.)

15 Januari 2014

Connectify Hotspot pro + Dispatch

Langsung loncat ke versi 7 dari versi 4 itu sesuatu...

Terus terang saja, versi yang ke-7 ini lebih stabil daripada versi sebelumnya dan metro-like-ui nya lebih menarik. Selain itu, versi ini membawa perbaikan dan penambahan fitur baru dari yang sebelumnya.

Instruksi :

1. Install setup.exe
2. Setelah selesai, jangan restart komputer anda
3. Jalankan patch.exe
4. Klik activate pro dan tunggu selama 1 menit
5. Tutup patch dan restart komputer anda
6. Jangan pernah update connectify anda